Sara Torpey • October 8, 2024

How to Own Your Wins: The Power of Taking Credit as a Business Owner

Taking Credit for the WIN!

Welcome back to Uncomplicating Business, where we simplify the entrepreneurial journey for teachers, helpers, and givers. I’m Sara, your business coach and creator of Selling for Weirdos. Today, we're diving into a topic that matters more (and is harder to actually do!) than we think: taking credit for our achievements.

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The Importance of Taking Credit

As business owners, parents, and humans, self-doubt is built into everything we do. We tend to be first in line to take the blame on ourselves when things go wrong, and when things go right we give the credit to luck or external circumstances. When we do this, it gets hard to see what’s working, and when it’s hard to see what’s working, it diminishes our confidence AND also affects our motivation and progress.

Taking credit is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Boosting Motivation: Acknowledging our accomplishments fuels our drive to tackle the next challenge.
  2. Balancing Internal Dialogue: We counteract negative self-talk by recognizing our own role in our successes.
  3. Encouraging Growth: When we celebrate our wins, we create a positive feedback loop that even MORE growth.

 Why Do We Struggle with Taking Credit?

Society often sends mixed messages about what we think of as self-promotion. We worry that claiming credit will come off as bragging or being self-centered. But really? Embracing our achievements is not about being boastful or saying ‘hey, look at ME’; it’s about acknowledging our power and the effort we put into our work.

Think about it… when someone compliments you, how often do you deflect? Instead of saying, “Thank you, I worked hard on that,” we tend to respond with, “Oh, it wasn’t a big deal” or “X person was a huge help.” This reaction minimizes our accomplishments and quietly reinforces the cycle of self-doubt.

Practical Strategies for Taking Credit

To start shifting your mindset around taking credit, here are some internal and external strategies:

Internal Practices

  • Weekly Wins Journal: Set aside time each week to write down wins, and remember that a win is a win, no matter how big or small it may feel to you. Wins range from finishing a project to actually pausing to take a minute and enjoy a sunny day. The key is to acknowledge the full range of ways you are successful.

  • Reflect on Creation: After you collect your wins, ask yourself, “How did I create this?” This reflection helps you recognize your role in your successes, reminding you that you are an active participant in your journey.

  • Identify Fears: Consider what holds you back from taking credit. Are you afraid of being seen as arrogant? Write down these fears and check in. Is it real? Is it an actual problem? What data do you have that says that fear is one worth keeping? Often, once we meet our fears with evidence, we find that they are largely unfounded.

External Practices

  • Accept Compliments: When someone praises you, practice saying, “Thank you.” Resist the urge to downplay your efforts. This simple act helps build your confidence over time. And yes, it’s easier said than done, I hear you – but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth practicing!

  • Share Your Achievements: Make it a habit to share your successes with your world. Whether through social media, newsletters, or casual conversations, let people know about the amazing things you’ve created. It’s not bragging; it’s sharing the value you bring.

  • Observe and Learn: Look around you. Notice how others take credit for their achievements. When you see someone celebrating their wins, remind yourself that you can do the same.

Embracing Your Power

Taking credit for your accomplishments is not a self-serving act; it’s about recognizing the value you bring to the world. By taking ownership of your successes, you become more motivated, resilient, and empowered to help others.

Your work matters. And remembering that what you create is valuable is a vital part of growing and maintaining a successful business. By practicing the art of taking credit, you inspire others to do the same, fostering a culture of support and celebration.

Conclusion: Your Next Steps

As you embark on this journey of self-acknowledgment, remember that growth requires practice. It’s really just about starting SOMEWHERE. Pick a practice and start.

If you’re looking for more support, consider joining my self-paced course on sales and selling, Selling for Weirdos, or participate in our upcoming Offer Hours on October 21. Together, we can work on your sales strategies, and help you feel confident in taking credit for what you’ve created and how you help people.

And? If you're not a part of the UNComplicating Business for Teachers, Helpers, and Givers community on FB, today's a great day to join! Come meet people who are building businesses like yours, get free tips, tools, and workshops, and more!

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