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Can you *really* change your sales results by changing JUST three words in your business?
The short answer is YES.
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If you're a teacher, a helper, and/or a giver, and you run a business sometimes your BEST intentions are ALSO the things that make growing a business the MOST complicated. Sometimes your best intentions feel like they conflict with what you're 'supposed' to do to build a successful business... and that makes creating success (and not hating it) hard.
And THIS is where the UNcomplicating Business podcast comes in. UNcomplicating Business is for the teachers, the helpers, and the givers who want to HONOR their best intentions, BE themselves out in the business world, AND grow a successful business - one without all the shoulds, the drama, or the complicated steps.
If you're a teacher, helper, and a giver, and you want to find success as YOURSELF, the UNcomplicating Business podcast is here for YOU.
Just Keep Going- A book
Then Just Keep Going is for YOU.
Simplifying your business AND how you think about it will be easier with the charts and question sets from this book.
Ready for that?
Then it's time to talk about coaching together.
Free is great - but sometimes doing it all on our own forever more, just because we feel like we should be able to do it all ourselves isn't the answer. We all deserve support - YOU deserve support - and if you want next-level growth, if you want to stop banging your head into the wall that you just can't seem to find a way through, coaching makes a difference.
And listen, I get it. It's a big step, and sometime intro calls with coaches are awkward, uncomfortable, and salesy.
But that's not me, and it's not how I do things.
So no, you don't have to say yes on the intro call, no, there won't be any pressure, and no, it won't be weird. Promise.
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