Seriously, though. What if?
What if you could make the sales that grow your business AND also have a WAY to sell that feels simple, easy, and like YOU?
Yep. that's a thing.
GIVING has 100% been the secret of my success as a business owner, and it could ALSO be the secret to yours.
You can GIVE big - because deep down all you really want to do is just help the people - and also SELL.
I know it *sounds* crazy, but it turns out that selling and giving don't actually conflict.
Selling, making money, and giving can all live in harmony in your business.
So how do you get THAT?
Join us in the next round of Selling by Giving, and the SbG Implementation Lab this Fall (2023).
If you want to be on the list to learn more when it's time, click the button to add your info today!
Gooooood question...
Here's what you're going to WALK AWAY WITH from Selling by Giving and the SbG Implementation Lab, which starts in March 2023.
This is the MINIMUM, k?
Sounds good, right?
If your answer is yes, click the link below to hop on the list to be notified when enrollment for the next round begins (September 2023):
When enrollment begins, you'll click the button to sign up, and pay for the course. The total cost is $500.
Details of how to join the course and access all the materials* will be sent 5-7 days before the class opens.
You'll jump into the first module, and get ready to feel so. much. freaking. better about selling, asap.
You'll walk away with a WHOLE new way to sell, that you'll actually USE, that you'll FEEL good about, and that will WORK FOR YOU and your business, now and forever.
*What materials?
Glad you asked.
Each week there will be video lessons, worksheets, and individual-asynchronous Q&A with Sara via VideoAsk.
You'll move at your own pace and have access to help when and as you need it.
And the things that make learning MOST effective are baked right in...
You'll get connection and discussion in the Forum, and time dedicated to IMPLEMENTATAION.
Plus, there are bonuses... including super simple, crazy useful templates to use for evaluating and celebrating your progress and successes.
Soooo.... now what?
Cost: $400
And what will your $500 get you, really?
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